Chattahoochee Terminal

Terminal Location
3132 Parrott Avenue,
Atlanta, GA 30318
Terminal Specifications
Total Storage Capacity: 459,540 Barrels
No. of Tanks: 14
Range of Tanks: 2,643 – 67,530 Barrels
Commodities Handled: CBOB (7.8 RVP and 9.0 RVP), PREM CBOB (7.8 RVP and 9.0 RVP), ULSD, Ethanol
Transportation Modes
Pipelines (receiving): Colonial (CED) and Plantation (HC)
Terminal Services
- Additive Injection, ULSD Lubricity
- Gasoline Blending (89 Midgrade, Clear Gas)
- Pipeline Receipt
- Tank Truck Loading/Unloading
- Product Blending
- Vapor Recovery/Incineration
- Additive Handling/Injection
- Automated Truck Rack