Annually, Kinder Morgan offices across the U.S. hold United Way campaigns to encourage employees to make contributions benefiting their local United Way. The Kinder Morgan Foundation matches 50% of each employee’s donation. This year alone, Kinder Morgan and its employees donated over $200,000 for United Way chapters across the nation.
Since Houston is home to our largest employee base, its offices host an entire themed month of fun, engaging events that benefit the United Way of Greater Houston. This year, employees participated in numerous events during the campaign and volunteered their time with Target Hunger, a United Way partner and one of Houston’s largest non-profit organizations providing direct food assistance to families and seniors.
"Our neighbors are struggling more than ever to make ends meet,” said United Way of Greater Houston’s vice president and chief advancement officer Dr. Angel Harris. “The most recent data shows that 14% of households in our community are living below the federal poverty level. Another 31% are employed and sometimes juggle two or three jobs yet find themselves grappling with the daunting challenge of being able to afford basic necessities like rent, utilities, food and childcare.”
That’s why United Way is focused on helping more individuals and families transform their situation and chart a course toward financial stability.

“We were really pleased with the outcome of our campaign this year,” said Kinder Morgan’s Houston United Way campaign manager Linda Warner. “With the Kinder Morgan Foundation’s match, we raised more than $145,000 for the United Way of Greater Houston to help them pave pathways for families within our communities to achieve financial stability.”
We are proud to work with United Way each year to support resources that contribute to building more stable futures for our neighbors in and around the communities in which we operate and look forward to hosting our annual campaigns again next year.