On this Veterans Day, we would like to recognize and celebrate the dedication and commitment of the veterans within the Kinder Morgan family. With approximately 600 KM veterans employed across the United States, their stories of service and transition into civilian life are truly inspiring. Here we share two of them.
Meet Garnasia Bogus - Supervisor - Material Management, Savannah, GA

Throughout her two decades in the military, Bogus was a diesel mechanic for 16 years before receiving orders to serve as a drill instructor. While enlisted, she learned the importance of leadership, focusing on the well-being of her fellow service members before accomplishing the mission.
After retiring, she found a new mission at Kinder Morgan where she currently serves as a supervisor in material management for the Elba Island facility (Elba). Her military background has equipped her to efficiently manage and mentor her team, ensuring that nothing is missed. Bogus’ dedication to open-mindedness and embracing change is a testament to her leadership qualities.
“Elba is a very fast-paced environment,” said Bogus. “I learned from the military how to be efficient, stay on top of things and supervise people. Everything I learned there is what makes me successful here.
“Kinder Morgan also helped ensure a smooth transition from the military to civilian employment by assigning me a mentor, Cindy Galbreath, for which I am very grateful,” Bogus continued. “As one of the only women in my space in the Marine Corps moving into another male-dominated field, it was helpful to have another woman to look to for guidance.” Bogus and Galbreath, a Material Management Supervisor who manages the corporate inventory at Elba and has been with Kinder Morgan for 43 years, still work together and talk often.
Beyond Kinder Morgan, Bogus is making a positive impact in her community by actively supporting veterans through her volunteer work with the Marine Corps League.
Meet Jesse Gregg - Manager - Application Development, Houston, Texas

Jesse Gregg, an eight-year Marine Corps veteran, knew from a young age that service was his calling, inspired by a long family history of military service. In the Marine Corps, he honed skills that have proven invaluable in his civilian career, such as geospatial intelligence and data analysis.
Today, as the Manager of Application Development at Kinder Morgan, Gregg continues to apply his leadership traits learned in the Marines to solve real-world problems. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is at the heart of his role and serves as an important mapping tool for Kinder Morgan to manage its assets and their proximity to key areas around them. He recognizes that in both the Marine Corps and Kinder Morgan, everyone plays a crucial role in the success of the larger mission.
“A big part of what I did in the Marine Corps was to take in information, analyze that data compared to our military assets, and identify and solve business problems,” Gregg said. “It’s very similar to what I now do at Kinder Morgan in that I help business partners understand where things are related to time and space.”
Gregg's passion for GIS and the potential it holds for Kinder Morgan's future is evident. He sees GIS as a universal tool, capable of impacting every aspect of the organization. This dedication to growth and the ability to drive value for the business through GIS keeps him motivated and enthusiastic.
In his spare time, Gregg reaches out to fellow service members and gives back to the community. His involvement with the Travis Manion Foundation, youth mentoring, and efforts to celebrate and remember those who have served demonstrate his commitment to service, both in the military and in civilian life.
As we approach Veterans Day, let's salute all the veterans at Kinder Morgan and across the nation for their selfless service and continued dedication to excellence in their civilian careers. Stories, like those of Garnasia Bogus and Jesse Gregg, inspire us all to aim higher, serve greater and make a positive impact in our communities.