Working and Digging Near Pipelines and Pipeline Facilities: Do you always call One-Call before beginning an excavation project?
In general, excavators are required by law to call 811 or their local One-Call center at least two working days before starting an excavation project. Excavation activity is the most common source of serious pipeline damage and can cause loss of life and property. Protect your employees, equipment and company reputation by verifying the location of pipelines and underground utilities before you dig and by knowing how to identify, respond to and prevent a pipeline leak or rupture.

For large excavation projects, a Kinder Morgan field representative will be at the job site while you work near our pipeline facilities to monitor excavation activity. If you accidentally damage or hit the Kinder Morgan pipeline, pipeline facility or damage a pipeline marker, contact us immediately. All dents, scrapes or other damage need to be assessed and repaired to prevent a future leak or serious accident. If you suspect that the pipeline is leaking, leave the scene and call 911 and Kinder Morgan as soon as you are a safe distance from the pipeline.

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